
Homemade Almond Milk

Be honest, my dear friends, how many recipes do you know that just require two simple ingredients and still taste better than anything you can buy in a store? For me, homemade almond milk (or just any homemade nut milk) is just this: clean, simple and natural food at its very best. Ever since learning culinary nutrition at the ACN in Toronto, I always have freshly made almond milk in my fridge, ready to serve as a delicious base for hot drinks, overnight oats, Bircher muesli or smoothies.

All it takes is one part organic almonds (soaked for 12 hours), four parts filtered water, a high-speed blender (yes, I know, they aren’t cheap, but this is the only cooking gadget you’ll find readily sitting on my kitchen top at any time, so you’ll never regret the investment), a nut bag and a mason jar. Dead simple! The benefit? You will have the freshest milk possible that is creamy and velvety and on top gives you total control of the entire production process. No need to sweat about additives on the ingredient labels on store-bought milk like carrageenan (E 407) which is a thickening agent derived through a chemical process from a red algae variety and is under suspicion of causing a bunch of health symptoms ranging from gastrointestinal complaints to intestinal ulcers and even cancer (read more on the health risks of carrageenan here). The rest is just up to your own creativity. Add sweetener of your choice if you need to, different flavors (e.g. vanilla extract), spices (cinnamon, chai mix) or even adoptogens like maca or reishi (read more on adaptogens here) to play around with and have endless fun in the kitchen.

When do you start making your own homemade nut milk?

Have a wonderful day!
Yours warmly, Christian

Recipe Homemade Almond Milk

4 Servings

15 mins, 2 ingredients


1 cup Almonds (raw, unsalted)
4 cups Water (filtered)

2 tbsps Dates (pitted)
¼ tsp Cinnamon
½ tsp Vanilla Extract (unsweetened)


  • Soak almonds in water for 8-12 hours or overnight. Drain and rinse.
  • Combine almonds, water and any optional sweetener, flavor, spice or adaptogen (see above for options) in a high-speed blender and blend about 1 minute on high.
  • Over a large bowl or pot, strain the pulp out of the milk using cheesecloth or a nut milk bag.
  • Pour the milk into a mason jar and store in the fridge. This will keep for 4-5 days.
